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Blog News
The Big Give Christmas Challenge
The Big Christmas Challenge is our chance to raise £20,000 and provide 400 counselling sessions.
Live now until 10th December, for one week only every donation will be matched, doubling the difference your support can make.
A win for Youth Talk
Youth Talk announces the launch of its new Ambassador programme with the appointment of local athlete and Olympic hero Phoebe Gill.
No stranger to ‘firsts’, Phoebe has achieved record-breaking success on the running track which saw her clinch 800m gold in the British Athletics Championships in June and reach the semi-finals in the Paris Olympics.
Christmas Treeasy supporting Youth Talk
It’s that time of year again and with Christmas just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to share Christmas Treesay’s fantastic tree delivery and recycling service offered through local schools.
This year, Christmas Treeasy are supporting charities too – including Youth Talk!
Georgia’s story of perseverance
19 year old Georgia, came to Youth Talk after leaving school without the GCSEs she needed to work. Unemployed, angry and miserable, she came to Youth Talk wanting someone she could confide in about her life.
Challenge Complete!
Last week saw people of all ages pack out the streets of St Albans for the debut of WildGoose’s The Great St Albans Challenge. Find out more what happened during this exciting event
What it means to be part of the Youth Panel
Gabriella, Mia, and Holly share their experiences working with our Youth Panel and what it means to them
Continue Reading What it means to be part of the Youth Panel
What people say. . .
My counsellor was great. She really helped me. I feel like a different person to when I came in.

Age 16Youth Talk saved me from going down a dark hole in the place I was in at the time.

Age 22Without Youth Talk I would have continued to have unhealthy relationships and low self esteem, I wouldn’t have learnt to be kind to myself either