Youth Talk pays tribute to our former Trustee, Sue Holliday
It is with great sadness that we report that Youth Talk’s former Trustee and Treasurer, Sue Holliday, has passed away aged 74. Jackie Fowler, Youth Talk’s Chair of Trustees, shares the following tribute:
‘Sue joined Youth Talk in the early days, bringing her invaluable professional experience to the table. Her input over so many years achieved so much, and really has changed lives.
Sue was always professional, engaged and involved, in her unassuming way. She did all she could to support Youth Talk – not just in her role as Treasurer on the Board. She was always ready to roll up her sleeves to help the team in practical ways whenever she could, especially in those days when the charity was a small and busily multi-tasking team. She promoted Youth Talk to people she knew, brought in new donors, actively fundraised and willingly supported fundraising initiatives whenever she could.
We knew Sue as a warm, friendly, professional, dedicated, calm and measured, caring and unassuming colleague. Sue was also a great walker, traveller and golfer; always so proud of her daughters and close to her wider family.
We were all so shocked and saddened to hear of her passing. We pay tribute to Sue as one of the pioneers from Youth Talk’s early days, who put her time and energies into helping Youth Talk to change, grow and thrive over so many years… and by doing so, investing so much of herself to help local young people who are struggling to find positive ways forward in their lives’.

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